Bob and mona clark
Pastors Bob and Mona Clark have been preaching and teaching the Gospel of Grace since 2009. They have been in ministry for many years. Both have received the vision God gave them for the body of believers at Crossover, Tacoma the Puget Sound area and the world.
brian hanline
Leader of Praise and Worship
Brian is head of praise and worship at Crossover for a number of years. Brian comes from a background of music leadership and we are so blessed to have his gifting, talents and anointed voice.
Pastor, Women's Ministry, Praise and Worship
Mona Clark has been vital in women's ministry for many years, as well as music ministry. She is lead women's vocalist and keyboardist for praise and worship team.
Elders & deacons
A list of names
Crossover functions with the assistance of Elders and Deacons.
Joe Goeller
Bob and Cherie Grimes Kim and Diane Sells
Jason and Vickie Slater (Assoc. Pastors)
Theresa Tierney
Cheryl Williams
Deane and Dorine Knapp
Heath and Lillian Linde
Dior Noel
Rod and Pam Reynolds
Mark and Jennifer Rice
Joe Goeller
Bob and Cherie Grimes Kim and Diane Sells
Jason and Vickie Slater (Assoc. Pastors)
Theresa Tierney
Cheryl Williams
Deane and Dorine Knapp
Heath and Lillian Linde
Dior Noel
Rod and Pam Reynolds
Mark and Jennifer Rice