How it all started...
Having spent many years in Christian life and ministry, Bob and Mona were greatly helped by the ministry of Joseph Prince in 2009 and have been preaching the Good News of the gift of God's righteousness through faith in the finished work of Christ ever since !
Through hearing and believing the message of the Cross we 'CROSS-OVER' from death to life, from sin to righteousness, from sickness to health and from poverty to riches in every way! Jesus did it once-for-all and now we're receiving it daily! Welcome to CROSSOVER where we revel in the Good News of Christ's Finished Work on our behalf!
I believe that the people at CROSSOVER are some of the best you will find. There's a joy and excitement as we anticipate a fresh, clear revelation of Jesus in the Scripture every time we meet. We're a growing and vibrant mix of cultures, a family of all ages and walks of life who are receiving and reveling in a deeper understanding of Christ's love for us all. If you are looking for a place to grow, to belong, and to experience God, then CROSSOVER might be the right place for you. I encourage you to come to one of our services - we look forward to meeting you in person!
Bob & Mona Clark, Pastors
For if by the one man's offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.
Rom. 5:17 NKJ
Through hearing and believing the message of the Cross we 'CROSS-OVER' from death to life, from sin to righteousness, from sickness to health and from poverty to riches in every way! Jesus did it once-for-all and now we're receiving it daily! Welcome to CROSSOVER where we revel in the Good News of Christ's Finished Work on our behalf!
I believe that the people at CROSSOVER are some of the best you will find. There's a joy and excitement as we anticipate a fresh, clear revelation of Jesus in the Scripture every time we meet. We're a growing and vibrant mix of cultures, a family of all ages and walks of life who are receiving and reveling in a deeper understanding of Christ's love for us all. If you are looking for a place to grow, to belong, and to experience God, then CROSSOVER might be the right place for you. I encourage you to come to one of our services - we look forward to meeting you in person!
Bob & Mona Clark, Pastors
For if by the one man's offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.
Rom. 5:17 NKJ

Expanding the vision...
Our goal is to reach out to the community through a variety of activities throughout the year. By doing this, we hope to share God's love and manifestations of His gifts to all people.
Where we are headed...
Grace is not a teaching but a Person ..... Jesus !
Do you want to REIGN? Do you want to SUCCEED?
You can!! But your success will come by RECEIVING not by ACHIEVING! By ONE MANS obedience LIFE CAME to ALL men! [Rom. 5]
LIFE doesn't come by YOUR obedience, but by HIS! The Christian life is not only hard IT'S IMPOSSIBLE! Only One Man can live it!! And if you TRUST HIM, and not yourself, HE will live it's FOR YOU IN YOU AND THROUGH YOU!!
To know that you are loved by Him is everything !
We are taking The Gospel of Grace and Peace that the Apostle Paul preached, to our community, Tacoma, Puget Sound area, the West Coast and the World.
Do you want to REIGN? Do you want to SUCCEED?
You can!! But your success will come by RECEIVING not by ACHIEVING! By ONE MANS obedience LIFE CAME to ALL men! [Rom. 5]
LIFE doesn't come by YOUR obedience, but by HIS! The Christian life is not only hard IT'S IMPOSSIBLE! Only One Man can live it!! And if you TRUST HIM, and not yourself, HE will live it's FOR YOU IN YOU AND THROUGH YOU!!
To know that you are loved by Him is everything !
We are taking The Gospel of Grace and Peace that the Apostle Paul preached, to our community, Tacoma, Puget Sound area, the West Coast and the World.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 10 am. and Wednesdays for Bible study at 6:30pm.