The Benjamin Generation
Joseph's 10 brothers represent the Law: born of an unloved wife or slave concubines.
But Joseph and his brother Benjamin were born of Grace: the loved and free woman.
As a result Joseph 'wore' his Father's multi-faceted 'favor' and was rejected by his brothers
just like Jesus... and yet was raised up to great power, just like Christ. And just like Christ...
poured abundant grace out on his full-brother... Benjamin... as Christ will pour out
abundant grace on this last generation coming: The Benjamin Generation. This generation
will be the carriers of the greatest move of God this world has ever seen! Azusa Street
will seem like nothing in comparison! It will be the holiest move of God ever seen and
will be led be the least-holy people! Everybody that can possibly be saved... will be! Listen
to Bob as he teaches on the next and last greatest move of God: The Benjamin Generation!